His Holiness interacts with members of Young Presidents’ Organisation (YPO) from Nepal

His Holiness answering questions from the delegation of YPO/Photo OHHDL

DHARAMSHALA, NOV. 13: His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave an audience to 30 members of the Nepal chapter of the Young Presidents’ Organisation (YPO) this morning. His Holiness said that it was an honour meeting them today stressing on the long-standing historical connection between Nepal and Tibet, “The 7th century Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo, married […]

Tibetan man detained on the eve of Uprising day for WeChat post

Pema Samdup/TCHRD File

DHARAMSHALA, NOV 12: Pema Samdup, 26, born in the Khugyu village in Sertsa Township in Tengchen county, was arbitrarily detained on the eve of the Tibetan political anniversary of the annual Uprising day which falls on the 10th of March. Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) have reported that he is currently serving […]

Tibetan Monk detained for “political” post on WeChat in Ngaba

Sonam Palden/TCHRD file

DHARAMSHALA, NOV 12: Sonam Palden, 22, a monk from Kirti monastery from Ngaba County in the Tibetan Province of Amdo, was detained for his critical comment about the use of Tibetan language. In a post in WeChat, he bemoaned the status of Tibetan language and its marginalisation due to China’s policy which prioritises Mandarin, the […]

Dalai Lama interacts with students, community leaders from Washington

A student from Washington State asking His Holiness the Dalai Lama a question during their program in Dharamsala, HP, India on November 11, 2019. Photo by Ven Tenzin Jamphel

DHARAMSHALA, NOV. 11: His Holiness the Dalai Lama held an interactive conversation on Cultivating Compassion in the Next Generation with delegates from Washington at his residence today. It was led by Cyrus Habib, the Lieutenant Governor General of Washington, with the involvement of youth and community leaders of Washington. There were over 1500 members who […]

Dalai Lama concludes three-day ‘Heart Sutra’ teaching for Koreans

Nov. 6, 2019: Phayul Photo: Kunsang Gashon

DHARAMSHALA, NOV. 6: The three-day ‘Heart-Sutra’ (Sherab Nyingpo) teaching requested by Korean group concluded today. The offficial website of His Holiness the Dalai Lama reported that more than 6000 people attended the teaching in which 2000 had come from 60 countries around the world. Also present were local residents of Dharamshala along with tourists from […]

Dalai Lama attends 600th birth anniversary of Gyudchen Dorjechang

phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon

DHARAMSHALA, NOV. 2: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama graced his presence on the inauguration ceremony of the 600th birth anniversary of Gyudchen Dorjechang Jetsun Kung Dhondu, the founder of Gyuto Tantric Monastery of Gelugpa sect. It was also the 600th death anniversary of Je Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa tradition. At a ceremony […]