News and Views on Tibet

Running the London Marathon for Tibet 2005

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Tibet Foundation had two runners, Richard Tippett and Lisa Weekes complete the London Marathon on Sunday, 17 April 2005. Both were congratulated at the finish by Karma Hardy, Director of Tibet Foundation, who presented them with khadar, the traditional Tibetan white silk scarves. “We are extremely proud of your achievement and grateful to you for raising funds for our work in Tibet and highlighting the work that we do in our 20th anniversary year,” he told them.

This year the 25th London Marathon was very high profile because of London’s bid to host the 2012 Olympics and 750,000 people lined the capital’s streets.

It was a glorious spring day and both runners wore the Tibetan flag and were cheered on by the large crowds.

Richard said that as he was particularly encouraged when one supporter yelled, “Go Tibet Foundation! I am so proud of you!”
Richard sponsors Tseto Lhamo, an orphan in Kham through Aid to Tibet.

Lisa said the Tibetan flag raised huge cheers of “Go Tibet Go!” from the tremendously supportive crowds. Lisa gave birth six months ago but said this, her fifth marathon, was her most enjoyable yet. She ran the Marathon in 2003 with her “Run For It” team mate Marie Rabouhans to raise funds for projects in Tibet. She was interviewed at the finish of the race and told the crowds about the work of Tibet Foundation and its 20th anniversary celebrations.

Both runners were greeted by well wishers at the finish and during the day had records dedicated to them on London’s Capital Radio and messages of support recorded on the BBC website.

Race director David Bedford described the 25th London Marathon as the greatest in the event’s history and the record crowds watched Paul Radcliffe triumph for a third time. Radcliffe ran the fastest ever time of two hours and 17 minutes with a record number of participants starting (35,680). The men’s race was won by Gezahegne Abera in two hours seven minutes

On an unexpectedly warm day both Tibet Foundation runners managed good times. Their official places and times were Richard at 27,345 in 5 hours and 16 minutes and Lisa at 29,984 in 5 hours and 38 minutes.

Last year Kelsang Dolma Dodin ran both the London and New York Marathon to raise funds and create awareness of the Foundation.

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