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Tibetan parliamentarians urge legal action against video calling for Dalai Lama’s assassination

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Dept. of Security Kalon Gyari Dolma addressing the house on the sixth day of the ongoing parliamentary session on Tuesday (Photo/CTA)

Tenzin Nyidon

DHARAMSHALA, Sept. 17: During the ongoing session of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on Tuesday, discussions centered around a defamatory video message calling for the assassination of the foremost exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which has been circulating on micro-messaging apps. The issue surfaced during deliberations on the activities of the Department of Security. 

The issue was raised by MP Mingyur Dorjee, who expressed deep concerns over the malicious remarks being made about His Holiness on various social media platforms. “Whenever I come across such things, I feel deeply disturbed and saddened. We must pursue legal actions against those making such comments,” he remarked.

In her address, the Minister of the Department of Security, Gyari Dolma revealed that the Kashag (Cabinet) is aware of the video message circulating online. She described the content as particularly shocking, given that the remarks did not come from Chinese sources, but from a Tibetan individual. The video advocated for the assassination of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the dismantling of the Tibetan Government in Exile, claiming that only through such actions could Rangzen (independence) be achieved. “This message is completely unacceptable,” Minister Gyari Dolma stated, adding that the Department would take legal action against the person responsible for the incendiary message.

MP Dawa Tsering also raised additional concerns, noting that such incidents have been increasing over time. He emphasised that these individuals, driven by personal political agendas, are calling for the assassination of His Holiness and the destruction of the exile government. “As the Security Minister pointed out, we need to act rather than just investigate. If anything happens to His Holiness in the future, the responsibility will rest on those making such comments,” MP Tsering warned. He urged both the Kashag and the Department of Security to take decisive action, no matter the scale.

Fellow MP Tsering Lhamo echoed these concerns, describing the video as a “direct threat.” She called on the Department of Security to consider the individual a “terrorist”, stressing that the individual aims to intimidate His Holiness, a global symbol of peace for Tibetans. MP Lhamo urged the Department to investigate the person’s whereabouts and take appropriate legal action through the authorities in the relevant jurisdiction, appealing for swift and decisive measures in line with the rule of law.

Minister Gyari Dolma acknowledged these shared concerns, noting that the Department of Security has already gathered information on the individual behind the defamatory message, including his identity, location, and activities. “We have requested the representative from the region where this person resides to monitor his actions and explore possible legal measures, and we are currently awaiting their response,” she explained. The Minister added that once the parliamentary session concludes, the Department will seek guidance from the Kashag on how best to address the situation.

3 Responses

  1. I haven’t come across any information on this case, but if true, it’s absolutely condemnable. His Holiness is the revered spiritual leader and symbol of unity for Tibetans worldwide. Any attempt to harm His Holiness’s reputation is deeply disturbing. The individual responsible must be brought to justice in accordance with the law, and we must remain vigilant against such malicious attempts to undermine our unity. This could be another CCP ploy to divide our community; let’s remain united and vigilant.

  2. I disagree with His Holiness on a few issues, I believe the Middle Way approach was a mistake as our adversary has consistently shown the world that their approach to negotiating is offering nothing and taking everything.
    We have therfore diluated our aims for nothing?
    I also disagree with His Holiness on the issues of the deity, this issue has ripped our people apart and has achieved everything the Chinese would want to see.
    But most importantly, I believe that His Holiness has been a blessing for our people, we are fortunate that his presence has given our people refuge across the world,the institutions that he has built to preserve our culture & religion will keep the Tibetan identity alive.
    I applaud any Tibetan voicing their opinion, but I condemn those that advocate violence against His Holiness.

    1. This is the typical well-meaning but half-baked opinion of a few deluded smartalecs who think they know better than the HH. For those who think that it was ever at HH’s or our discretion to choose Rangzen or Autonomy, as if picking between gulabjamun and rasgula at the dessert table, are unaware that we were never in a bargaining position to do so. Right from 1949, when the first Tibetan delegate went to the UN, the world has rebuffed our claim of nationhood. Apart from these token diplomatic stands, even as their ingrained geopolitical strategy, the West, India et al. have ALWAYS maintained China’s authority over Tibet. The West alias the world didn’t even dare to touch China in the 1950s-60s when it was crippled from a decade-long civil war, Korean War and a famine. The 1960s was the golden window to free Tibet , but the West did diddlysquat and instead reaffirmed China’s claim on Tibet. Inspite of all that, HH summoning great personal courage asserted the sovereignty of the Tibetan government and finally adopted the MW path at the West’s behest. And rubbing two brain cells together, your types need to think a lil harder. China stands to gain everything if they agree to MW, and get HH into Tibet. By appeasing the HH they calm the biggest thorn in their side and by giving autonomy to Tibet they can toot their horn as being a true non-Hanchauvinistic multi-national peoples republic. Despite their gruff rebuffs on the surface, it’s not China but some other players who are holding us hostage from reaching that deal now.

      Two-bit Rangzen whisperers like you think you know better than HH who’s roiled day and night in the struggle. There’s a word called greenhorn in English, which fortuitously means the same as ‘green brains’ in Tibetan, you reveal yourself as one with your take on the deity when you talk as if the present DL raked up the issue unnecessarily. It’s an old issue and even the 13th DL had proscribed that deity. The 14th was compelled to disown it when some hard line Gelug supremacist lamas slighted the HH for receiving teachings from some Nyingma lamas. As the ecumenical leader of Tibet, HH rejected the deity as it stands for Gelug Puritanism, he did this after great thought and consideration not out of a whim as you think. If some don’t understand the Buddhist tenet of faith in the root guru’s command and relinquishing spirit propitiation for worldly gain, then they can continue with their cult. But they wreaked fatal violence and wasted no time in completely selling themselves to CCP, and consequently have been rightly ostracised from the Tibetan public. Don’t use hyperbole like it has ‘ripped our society apart’ to exaggerate a minuscule violent dissenting group. At least those cultists are blindsided by entrenched religious faith, but smartalecs like you’re even more ridiculous as you proclaim to know better despite your glaring ignorance.

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