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Karmapa’s tutor released

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TIN has learned, through reliable sources, that Yongzin Nyima, tutor of the Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje, has been released from detention by the Chinese authorities earlier this week, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.

He was arrested in June 2002 in Kongpo because of his alleged involvement in the escape of the Karmapa in January 2000. During the escape, Lama Nyima is alleged to have been part of a ruse whereby the Chinese authorities believed the Karmapa was in a meditation retreat when he’d actually already fled. Lama Nyima is said to have maintained this deception until the Karmapa had reached safety. Lama Nyima is believed to be safe and in good health and is staying with his brother in Lhasa. According to TIN’s sources, he intends to stay in Tibet and has no plans to go to India. The Karmapa is said to be happy that his former tutor has been released.

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