News and Views on Tibet

Tibetan rights group demands end to enforced disappearance in Tibet, seeks international support

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The panel of former Tibetan political prisoners and researchers at Norbu House, Dharamshala on August 30, 2023 (Photo/Lobsang Tenchoe)

By Tenzin Nyidon

DHARAMSHALA, Aug 31: On the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance on Wednesday, Dharamshala based Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), voiced their concern against enforced disappearances in Tibet and condemned China’s practice of using this tactic to suppress dissent.

The event held at Hotel Norbu House in McLeod Ganj brought together former Tibetan political prisoners Gendun Rinchen, Ngawang Woebar, and Geshe Tsering Dorje, alongside human rights researcher Wangden Kyab.

During the discussion, Geshe Tsering Dorje recounted the grim conditions he faced during his imprisonment, which included enduring severe torture and being subjected to unhygienic living conditions. Ngawang Woebar, another former political prisoner, addressed the mental and psychological toll inflicted by the authorities. He shared that he was repeatedly questioned about his family and acquaintances during his captivity, leading to a constant state of worry about their safety. The panel collectively emphasised that laws and legal safeguards have limited practical significance as the Chinese authorities often exploit them to suppress dissent and silence opposition.

The group in particular highlighted a specific aspect of enforced disappearance known as “Residential Surveillance at Designated Location” (RSDL), a heinous practice in Tibet that allows authorities to detain individuals at secret locations without formal charges, legal representation, or communication with families for up to six months.

The organisation cited data from the Chinese Supreme People’s Court and the testimonies of survivors and lawyers to illustrate the prevalence of this practice. According to their findings, an alarming number of individuals ranging from 27,208 to 56,963 have become victims of the RSDL system since 2013. The group noted that these numbers are based on available data and that the actual figures might be higher due to the lack of transparency in data collection. The group specifically emphasised that Tibetan individuals are also victims of this practice, with at least 1,000 Tibetans disappearing following the March 2008 uprising in Tibet and more of these disappearances happening every year. 

TCHRD emphasised that these enforced disappearances are often justified under the pretext of “national security” or to suppress “separatist” movements, effectively silencing those who advocate for basic human rights, justice, and freedom. “In the past decade, out of 20 communications on Tibet received by the UN Human Rights Council, seven involved cases of enforced disappearances of over 50 individuals whose whereabouts remain unknown following their detention,” the group added.

Speaking to Phayul, Nyima Woeser, a researcher at TCHRD pointed out China’s failure to sign and ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances is a significant obstacle. “China’s absence from this convention is the main hindrance thus, making it challenging to address or combat the issue of enforced disappearances as it limits the international community’s ability to hold China accountable for any instances of enforced disappearances that might occur within its jurisdiction,” he stated.

Additionally, the organisation which has documented first-hand accounts of Tibetan political prisoners from Tibet over the years called China to immediately release all political prisoners and urgently repeal its RSDL system. The group underscored the necessity of international attention and cooperation to put an end to such practice of human rights abuses and to protect the rights of individuals at risk of enforced disappearance.  

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