News and Views on Tibet

South Africans walk the Gandhi march for Tibetans

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DURBAN, April 20 – A march organised here on Sunday to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s salt march in India during the British rule saw the South Africans expressing solidarity with the Tibetan cause while stressing on the non-violent means.

Organised by ‘Satyagraha’, the march had approximately 5000 people walking from the Gandhi settlement, where he once stayed, to the Durban beach-front along with some members of the Tibetan community.

Ela Gandhi, grand-daughter of Mahatma Gandhi and one of the organisers, said the march aimed to instill the non-violent ways of life that Gandhi had fought for.

We support the cause of Tibet, Myanmar and Zimbabwe in a non-violent manner, Gandhi said at the event.

“Mahatma Gandhi has shown there’s another way of dealing with conflict, dealing with differences of opinion through non-violence”, she said.

Participants in the 22-kilometre long march, which has been an annual affair here for the past four years, echoed the sentiments of the Tibetan cause while stressing on peaceful means of protest.

“We’re joining the march to make people aware there’s a problem in Tibet and we’d like to bring peace there. His holiness the Dalai Lama is asking people to create awareness but in a peaceful, non-violent way”, a participant in the march said.

“The whole Satyahagraha movement, the way he (Gandhi) accomplished so many things with passive resistance really touched me and I thought I should be part of this as well”, another said.

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