News and Views on Tibet

Tibetans Continue Protest at Chinese Consulate in Kathmandu

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By Tenzin Choephel

Kathmandu March 29-Tibetans in Nepal continue to protest at the Chinese Consulate in Kathmandu against the ongoing Chinese Government crackdown on Tibetan protestors in Tibet.

Tibetans in Nepal have been protesting regularly since the March 10. This is the third time they protested in front of the Chinese Consulate.

This morning around 10, over 100 Tibetans mainly monks and nuns protested in front of the Chinese Consulate. Within minutes Nepali Police started arresting them. Today several Tibetans managed to reach the gate of the consulate and write slogans.

84 Tibetans were arrested of of which 33 were nuns and 35 were monks. They were detained at Metropolitan Armed Police Force Group No.2 Barrack, Maharajgunj. One monk was badly injured and a woman sustained minor injury, they were helped to hospital by officials of the OHCHR (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights).

All the detainees were released around 8 PM.

OHCHR has been observing the demonstrations since march 10. A human rights observer told Phayul, “Now the Police are changing tactics of using force, there is less use of baton and more of pinching, kicking, punching, scratching and groping, I saw marks on several people; some of these are not acceptable even for those resisting arrest”.

Today all the mobile phones were conficated; in the previous arrests many journalist were able to talk directly with people in detention.

Several foreign journalists have arrived in Nepal and are covering all the major Tibetan demonstrations and events in Kathmandu.

Nepal’s National Human Rights Commission and Advocacy Forum have also started observing the Tibetan demonstrations. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch in their press releases have said that the Government of Nepal should end use of force on peaceful Tibetan demonstrators.

Tibetan nuns at Thukje Choling Nunnery at Swayambhu have not been allowed to go to Bouda for the fourth consecutive day to attend Tibetan community prayer sessions. One nun named Chime told Phayul, “On the first day, we were not even allowed to go out and buy food, today it is little better. But the Police have warned us from going out of Swayambhu area”.

Police are also continuing to stop Tibetan civilians, monks and nuns commuting between Bouda and city area.

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