News and Views on Tibet

Abbots, Lamas refuse to denounce Dalai Lama

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It has been learnt from reliable sources in Tibet that since 14/15 March 2008, over three thousand Chinese military forces have been stationed mainly around the three Monasteries of Kham Za Chukha, Sershul dZong in Sichuan province.

Recently, on 26th March, the Chinese authorities called a meeting of the representatives from forty-three Monasteries and launched the so-called ‘patriotic re-education’ campaign and attempted to attribute the causes of the recent Tibetan people’s uprising in more than forty to fifty parts of Tibet to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Exile Tibetan Government.

They claimed that the protests were masterminded by His Holiness and the Exile Tibetan Government and warned against giving any support; the authorities then forced them to make critical statements against these protests and ordered them to launch a signature campaign to denounce these pro-Independence Tibet protests and uprisings.

Intending to misuse the influence of the Lamas, Tulkus and Khenpos of the Monasteries, on the monks and the public, the Chinese authorities tried to force them to advice their followers both the monks and the lay Tibetans against initiating any kind of pro-Tibetan independence protest and demonstrations. In the meeting, the Lamas and Tulkus demanded opportunity to express personal views one by one and everyone unanimously expressed the same viewpoint that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is as precious as their own eyes and heart, so they will never criticize Him.

They completely rejected the Chinese allegation that the recent people’s uprising in Lhasa and many parts of Amdo and Kham Regions were masterminded by His Holiness. They pointedly told the authorities that the Chinese government’s totalitarian act of banning His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photos in all parts of Tibet and forcing the Tibetans to criticize His Holiness are nothing but mindless acts that can only be regarded as deliberate provocation by Chinese authorities to incite trouble and cause conflict. They further declared that if these wrong policies and government repressions are continued, none of them would take the responsibility.

They told the authorities that they had one most important proposition to put to the authorities which if they (the local authorities) did not have the necessary authority to take a decision, they must be conveyed to the higher authorities.

“It is our fervent prayer and hope that there must take place a direct dialogue between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Senior Chinese leaders which must result into a meaningful negotiation to seek a mutually agreeable solution to the Tibetan issue. Until and unless such a positive development is achieved, none of us would be able to take responsible for any future protests and uprisings”, they firmly warned the Chinese authorities.

original reporting in Tibetan by Jigdal Tenzin, Sera Jey, Bylakuppe. Translated by Tephun Tenzin Shastri.

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