Tibetans rally in Paris against museum’s use of Chinese term ‘Xizang’ for Tibet”

Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, Sept. 23: Around 800 Tibetan activists and supporters gathered in front of the Musée Guimet on Saturday to protest the recent terminology change in the museum’s exhibitions, which replaced “Tibet” with “Xizang,” a Chinese name for the country. The demonstration came after reports that two Parisian museums had altered their terminology regarding Tibet. The Musée […]

Tibetan NGOs condemn defamatory video threatening the Dalai Lama

Tenzin Nyidon DHARAMSHALA, Sept. 23: Eight Tibetan non-governmental organisations held a press conference on Monday, strongly condemning the defamation and death threats directed at His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the revered exiled spiritual leader. The coalition of NGOs denounced the actions and views of an individual identified as Senge, known online as Gangser, a Tibetan […]