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Dalai Lama departs for New York City for long-life prayer ceremony

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Carol and Sam Nappi with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Upstate New York on August 20, 2024 (Photo/OHHDL/Ven Tenzin Jamphel)

By Tsering Dhundup

DHARAMSHALA, Aug. 21: His Holiness the Dalai Lama departed for New York City on the morning of August 20, concluding a six-week recovery period at the Nappi Farmhouse in Syracuse, New York. This recovery followed a successful knee replacement surgery performed on June 28.

His Holiness’s official website released a statement on Tuesday stating “During his stay, His Holiness received exceptional care and worked intensively with his physiotherapists to ensure a smooth recovery.”

Dr. David Mayman, MD, Chief of the Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, expressed optimism about His Holiness’s recovery. “His Holiness is expected to continue improving over the next 6 to 12 months,” Dr. Mayman stated.

To manifest His Holiness’s health and long life, members of the Tibetan Community of North America are set to offer a prayer at the UBS Arena in New York City on August 22. This will be followed by another long-life prayer by the Tibetan community in Zurich, Switzerland on August 25 during a brief stopover. His Holiness is expected to return to Dharamsala, India, by August 28.

The statement on the 89 year Tibetan spiritual leader’s website conveyed deep gratitude to all individuals involved in his knee surgery and recovery period stating, “His Holiness would like to express his gratitude to his friends Sam and Carol Nappi for their exceptional hospitality and for coordinating the arrangements that ensured the successful knee replacement surgery of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New York.

“We are also deeply thankful for their efforts in assembling the physical therapy team and physicians at Upstate Medical University Hospital in Syracuse, New York. The doctors and staff at both the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York and Upstate Medical University in Syracuse provided exemplary medical care and unwavering support throughout the process.”

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