News and Views on Tibet

Tibetan monk detained after WeChat post criticizing Chinese law

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Image representational (Photo/IB Times)

By Tsering Dhundup

DHARAMSHALA, July 3: A Tibetan monk was reportedly detained a month ago in the so called Chigdril County, Golok Prefecture, after allegedly criticizing Chinese law on the social media platform WeChat.

Research group, Tibet Watch reported that a 26-year-old monk, whose name has been kept confidential for security reasons, was arbitrarily detained on May 26 or 27 on charges of separatism. His current location remains unknown, and his family has been denied visitation rights.

The controversial social media post reportedly criticized a county-level law, although the specific law in question remains unclear. Following his arrest, the Chigdril County Executive and the Head of the United Front Work Department visited his monastery and conducted a 10-day political education campaign for the approximately 100 resident monks.

During this campaign, officials criticized the monks and later notified them, via the Monastery Management Committee, that they must refrain from posting comments or likes on social media or sharing any information—whether written or voiced—that could be perceived as contrary to the party-state’s political stance on national unity. The families and neighbours of the monks were also instructed to disseminate this notification through social media.

Increased restrictions and investigations are currently underway at the monastery, with authorities conducting door-to-door visits to interrogate all residents.

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