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New Nalanda University inaugurated in Bihar, Dalai Lama sends best wishes

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New campus of Nalanda University inaugurated in Bihar on June 29, 2024 (Photo/ANI)

By Tenzin Nyidon

DHARAMSHALA, June 24: The Indian Prime Minister last week inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar. This international university aims to prioritise higher education and research, offering Postgraduate and Doctoral programs in Buddhist studies, philosophy & comparative religions; languages and literature; ecology and environmental studies; sustainable development and environment; and international relations and peace studies.

During the inauguration, PM Modi underlined that the establishment of the new Nalanda University would initiate the golden age of India, stating, “The renaissance of Nalanda University near its ancient ruins will introduce India’s potential to the world. Nalanda is not just a renaissance of India’s past, the heritage of many countries and Asia is linked to it. In days to come, Nalanda University will once again become a major centre for our cultural exchange. India should once again be recognised as the most prominent knowledge centre in the world.” 

The exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama known as the unofficial brand ambassador of the ancient Nalanda tradition expressed his joy in a letter addressed to PM Modi, celebrating the inauguration of the new Nalanda University. He has lately spoken about his fourth principal commitment to raising awareness and interest in ancient Indian knowledge among young Indians.

“As a centre of learning, the original Nalanda University shone like a sun in the east. Education, rooted in rigorous study, discussion and debate, flourished at Nalanda, attracting students from far and wide across Asia. In addition to philosophy, science, mathematics and medicine they learned about the age-old Indian traditions of ahimsa and karuna, which remain not only relevant but also essential in today’s world,” wrote the Dalai Lama. 

“I am encouraged by the growing interest among young people across India and further afield in ancient Indian knowledge and wisdom. It has such great potential to contribute to the creation of a more compassionate world. Committed as I am to creating greater interest and awareness in ancient Indian knowledge, it is wonderful that a new Nalanda University has been established in this historic location—may it prosper and thrive,” added the octogenarian leader. 

Among the dignitaries present at the inauguration were the Governor of Bihar, Shri Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, Chief Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar, External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, MoS for External Affairs Shri Pabitra Margherita, and the Chancellor of the University, Prof. Aravind Panagariya. Additionally, ambassadors from 17 countries participating in this initiative—Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam—were also in attendance.

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