Opinion: US Bill and Congressional Visit to Dharamshala

By Vijay Kranti “Unanimous passage of a new Bill by both Houses of the US Congress and the visit of a high-level bipartisan Congress delegation to Dharamshala and New Delhi are signs of beginning of a new era for Tibet and Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom from Chinese colonial occupation. It also offers […]

Player passes away at All Pala Football Association Gold Cup

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, June 24: A tragic incident cast a shadow over the first-ever All Pala Football Association (APFA) Gold Cup in Dhondupling Tibetan settlement, Dehradun, as Tenzin Dakden, a 42-year-old football player from Potala FC Odisha, passed away following a match on Monday. Dakden, who hailed from Gulladhalla, Karnataka and played as the goalkeeper for Potala […]

New Nalanda University inaugurated in Bihar, Dalai Lama sends best wishes

By Tenzin Nyidon DHARAMSHALA, June 24: The Indian Prime Minister last week inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar. This international university aims to prioritise higher education and research, offering Postgraduate and Doctoral programs in Buddhist studies, philosophy & comparative religions; languages and literature; ecology and environmental studies; sustainable development and environment; […]