CTA funded river barriers nears completion in Kullu Manali Tibetan settlement

By Tsering Dhundup Dharamshala, June 8: Ahead of the onslaught of India’s monsoon rains, the Central Tibetan Administration funded river-barriers are nearing completion at Tibetans settlements near Manali in Northern India,  which are vulnerable to overflowing rivers. Tibetan settlements along the Beas River including Dhobi settlement, 15 Mile, and Kullu Yolukhoe have an extra layer of […]

India renames over 30 places in Tibet in response to China’s Arunachal Pradesh claim

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, June 8: India has initiated the renaming of over 30 places in the so called Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in Tibet, a move seen as a direct retaliation against China’s renaming of 30 places in the north-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh in March.  The renaming initiative is spearheaded by the […]