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V-TAG India strategy meeting and training underway in Dharamshala

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Participants of the V-TAG Strategic meeting and training is underway at Dharamshala from Nov. 13- 15, 2023 (Photo/

By Tsering Dhundup

DHARAMSHALA, Nov 14: The flagship grassroots advocacy initiative of the current CTA administration began a three-day ‘V-TAG India Strategy Meeting and Training’ at Dharamshala’s on Monday. Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Groups (V-TAG) are voluntary associations of Tibetans formed to carry out advocacy campaigns in their respective places. The main goal of the initiative is to reinforce the existing advocacy campaigns across the world by providing a platform for every Tibetan to contribute in their way to the larger cause of Tibet.

Former Prime Minister Ven Samdong Rinpoche and Tibet supporter Shri Kishan Kapoor, member of Lok Sabha, participated in the inaugural session of the meeting-cum-training as chief guests, at the event organised by the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR).

In his address, Ven. Samdong Rinpoche emphasized the importance of truth and nonviolence as the foundational elements for a peaceful resolution to the Tibet issue. He further conveyed, “The middle-way approach policy, guided by His Holiness and supported by the unanimous decision of the Tibetan people and the parliament, has been chosen. This approach is seen as beneficial to both Tibet and China, aiming to keep the Tibetan people united.”

Rinpoche elaborated, “The adoption of the Middle Way approach is not influenced by global geopolitics or the internal situation in China; rather, its primary purpose is to maintain the unity of the Tibetan people. The central goal of this approach is to attain regional autonomy for the Tibetan people.” Rinpoche pointed out that any adjustments to the Middle Way Approach would be contingent on changes in Chinese policies. If such changes occur, modifications to the approach may be necessary. However, if Chinese policies remain unchanged, the Tibetan stance remains steadfast in seeking regional autonomy as a central policy.

35 youths from 9 states participated in the three-day V-TAG from 13 to 15 November.

Earlier, a three-day Europe Regional V-TAG Strategic Meeting and Advocacy training organized by the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) took place at Retreathaus, Berghof of Tibet House, Germany from 3rd to 5th November. Another meeting of the same agenda will take place in Australia.

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