Activists in San Francisco hang ‘Free Tibet’ banner ahead of Xi’s visit

By Tenzin Nyidon DHARAMSHALA, Nov 14: In a bold and attention-grabbing act of protest, three activists from the San Francisco chapter of Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) on November 10 unfurled a large “Free Tibet” while also boldly proclaimed “Dictator Xi Jinping, Your Time is Up!” banner from the roof of the Moscone Center […]

V-TAG India strategy meeting and training underway in Dharamshala

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, Nov 14: The flagship grassroots advocacy initiative of the current CTA administration began a three-day ‘V-TAG India Strategy Meeting and Training’ at Dharamshala’s on Monday. Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Groups (V-TAG) are voluntary associations of Tibetans formed to carry out advocacy campaigns in their respective places. The main goal of the initiative is […]