Tibetan children separated from mothers in Chinese Colonial Boarding Schools: Activists in NY on Mother’s day

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, May 14: Tibetan rights groups National Congress, US-Tibet Committee, Students for Free Tibet (SFT), Chushi Gangdruk NYNJ, and other non-governmental organisations on International Mother’s Day held a rally at the New York Chinese Consulate to protest against China’s colonial boarding school system in occupied Tibet which has separated nearly 1 million […]

Australian parliamentary group for Tibet organises “Tibet Brief” event

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, May 14: The Australian All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet (AAPGT) held an event called “Tibet Brief” at the parliament building on May 11, 2023. The meeting was facilitated by the Australia Tibet Council in coordination with Tibet Information Office and ACT Tibetan Community.  The Australian All-Party Group for Tibet is a […]