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Dalai Lama reiterates confidence to live beyond 113 years

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His Holiness addressing the gathering at Gaden Jangtse monastery in Mungod (
His Holiness addressing the gathering at Gaden Jangtse monastery in Mungod (

His Holiness the Dalai Lama reiterated his belief that he could live upto the age of 113 or more during the Long Life offering ceremony at Gaden Jangtse Monastery in Mungod, Karnataka yesterday. The Tibetan spiritual leader spoke about his dreams of living a long life, “Just as I cultivate an altruistic intention, I’ve had dreams about living long. In one dream I was climbing steps, 13 steps, which I interpreted to relate to the prediction that I could live to the age of 113.”

Before the ceremony began, His Holiness acknowledged the presence of both the monastic representatives and the Tibetan government in exile at the gathering, “We have representatives of the monastic community on the one hand and of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) on the other. Since this is an auspicious occasion, I decided to wear this Dharma cloak blessed during ordination. I also put on all three monk’s robes.”

Ganden Tripa, Jangtsé Chöjés, Rizong Rinpoché and Jonang Gyaltsap were also present along with Ling Rinpoché, Taktsak Kundeling Rinpoché and the Drepung Throne-holder. Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, Chief Justice Sonam Norbu Dagpo and Speaker Pema Jungney were also in attendance.

Kundun also spoke about his life-long investment to preserve Tibetan Buddhism and his promise to cultivate compassion in the world, “The longer I live, the more I think of benefiting others and fulfilling the highest aim myself. In order to fulfil the interests of self and others I generate bodhichitta. This altruistic intention to serve others can contribute to longevity. Selfishness is not conducive to living longer. I am determined to serve the 7 billion human beings alive today and some kind of benefit seems to come from it.”


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