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Worldwide fasting and prayer service on 30 August 2008- Austria, Italy, Germany, Hungary and Switzerland

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Worldwide fasting and prayer service on 30 August 2008 was observed by members of the Tibetan communities in Austria, Italy, Germany, Hungary and Switzerland from 7am to 7pm.

About 500 Tibetans and friends from Switzerland and Liechtenstein observed the 12-hour fasting and prayers at the conference hall of Hotel Banana City in Winterthur. The abbot and monks from the Tibetan Institute, Rikon lead the prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s long life, for peace and justice and the welfare of fellow Tibetans in Tibet especially for those under Chinese detention. In front of the UN building in Geneva, over 10 Tibetans and friends observed the fasting prayer.

Around 100 Tibetans and supporters in expression of solidarity took part in the 12 hours fasting in Vienna. An inter-religious prayer ceremony for peace, harmony and prosperity in the world especially in Tibet was held at the end of fasting. Representatives from the various religious organizations took part in the ceremony accompanied by speeches showing solidarity with the Tibetans in Tibet.

In Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, Tibetans gathered at the Tibet Support Group Office. Mr. Hendrey Tibor, the President of Tibet Support Group reiterated the importance of global non-violence. Around 100 people gathered to show their solidarity by taking part in the 12 hour solidarity fasting. More than 1000 students from different Buddhist communities and Buddhist Colleges took part in the fasting from their homes. Chenrezig, Guru Rinpoche, Tara and Long Life pray for His Holiness the Dalai Lama were chanted throughout the day. At the end of the prayer, Mr. Choegyal Tenzin, the former member of Tibetan Parliament in exile expressed his deep appreciation for Hungarians taking part in the universal prayer service.

In Italy over 70 Tibetans observed the 12 hours fasting prayer and in Germany, the worldwide fasting and prayer service was organized in five different cities by the Tibetan Community.

Tibetan exiles in Munich, led a 12-hr mass fasting and prayer service, in conjunction with Tibetans and supporters around the world, to draw attention to the plight of the Tibetan people.

While observing fasting, the Tibetan exiles and supporters simultaneously offered prayers for the wellbeing and long life of the Dalai Lama, world peace and, for freedom from oppression in China, Tibet and elsewhere.

Report prepared by Tibet Bureau, Geneva. Additional information by Tibetan Community in Munich.

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