China lifts iTunes block but for Tibet album

Apple Inc.’s iTunes online music store is back up and running again in China after it was apparently blocked last week by local authorities. However, the Web page for downloading a pro-Tibet album

Sikkim is still a country for China

Call it a bizarre show of ignorance or a deliberate ploy to drag Sikkim into a fresh controversy, the Chinese government, in its latest publication has not shown the state

Tibetan children teach life lessons to teacher

ibetan children living in exile in Dharamsala teach volunteer to lead with her heart. As volunteers to this northwest corner of India, our goal was to help preserve the culture of these Tibetan children

China returns detained activists to NYC

Eight American activists jailed by the Chinese for protesting during the Olympics said Monday after being sent home from Beijing that they were interrogated for hours, deprived of sleep

A Celebration of Lies – Jamyang Norbu

As the Beijing Olympics comes to a close there are probably not many people on this planet who have not heard, read about, or witnessed the series of lies, deceptions, scams, manipulations