News and Views on Tibet

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche talks on ‘Future Prospects for Tibet’

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By Tenzin Sangmo

New Delhi, June 16 – Chaired by Dalip Mehta, the Former Ambassador to Bhutan and Trustee of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of H.H. the Dalai Lama the round table on ‘Future Prospects for Tibet’ was organized in support with the office of Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre (TPPRC) in New Delhi today.

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche addressing the distinguished guests spoke at length about the historical background of Tibet dating back to the 7th Century a period when Tibet had close ties with India. The Tibetan language has its own script which is derived from the ancient Indian Brahmi script and belongs to the Indian language family. Tibetan ethnicity is as distinct and physical features reflect a mix of the Aryan and Mongol race.

The institution of the Dalai Lama has its roots in Sonam Gyatso who was bestowed the title of ‘Dalai Lama’ in 1578. The fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was the head of the Ganden Photang Government in Lhasa and subsequently the current Tibetan Government in exile is a succession of that government. A detailed analogy of historical facts and events presented the status of Tibet as economically self reliant on the basis of need and not that of greed.

Deliberating on the nature of the Tibetan struggle he said, “The nature of the Tibetan struggle is that of truth and false, justice and injustice and the difference in approach to fulfill one’s duties. We are struggling to perform our duties towards universal responsibility. Preservation of values is the true nature of our struggle.”

Quoting provisions on autonomy from China’s Constitution he further added, “We are demanding the implementation of the Constitution. No international body can say our claims are based on designs of separation from China, they are in accordance with China’s Charter”.

“The Dalai Lama and the Central Administration do not seek a separation of Tibetan Autonomous Region from PRC but urge that since the people in TAR and outside TAR, all of them according to the Chinese viewpoint are one nationality, they should have one National Autonomy administration. Theoretically, it should be possible since it within the constitutional provision”.

Prominent Indians present at the scene agreed that the interest of Tibet lay not only with the Tibetans but also with the safety of India and her border. India cannot disassociate herself from the TIbet cause because Tibet too is in the interest of India.

“As long as Tibetans voice their opinion all over the world, we have to see that there is a consciousness in the voice of humanity. Not only for the people of TIbet but also of India. Our cause is inseparable,” said Rajiv Gupta, Former IFS.

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