News and Views on Tibet

TYC Independence March closer home

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New Delhi, May 28 – The 136 odd marchers led by the Tibetan Youth Congress are now some 40 kilometers from their destination- Bodh Gaya. Currently at Anarabag the peace walkers including support marchers plan to hold a four day long prayer session for the departed souls of the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the greater good of fellow Tibetans at the holy place.

The departure from Varanasi was followed by heavy rainfall on the way. Braving harsh weather, the marchers surged ahead with strong determination and dedication to a commitment that goes higher than any physical boundary or human limitation. Drenched and cold, with the rain water beating down on them, the marchers set an example of pain in context with the suffering of those Tibetan brothers and sisters wronged by the authoritarian regime. This only gave them an impetus to march forward towards their goal in order to pay their respects to the victims of Beijing’s atrocity.

Covering an average of 25 kilometers every day, the Independence March sees strong support from local Indians, fellow Tibetans as well as members of the police. On May 23, TYC Joint Secretary Tenzing Norsang addressed the group unveiling the truth behind the 17 Point Agreement between China and Tibet and how the Tibetan delegates were forced into signing the treaty. The Agreement signed at Beijing on May 23, 1951 marking its 57th year is considered null and void under International Law, where it was signed under coercion when Tibet was already occupied in large parts by the PLA. Hence a treaty procured through the forcible occupation of one party’s territory by the military forces of another is negated. This was followed by a healthy debate between marchers.

Two senior marchers Kunsang, 80 from Puruwala and Tashi Dhondup, 70 from Shimla who had earlier participated in the un-do death hunger strike organized by TYC in the year 1998 and 2007 shared their life long experiences with earnest youngsters. The former was the same event where late Thupten Ngodup self-immolated causing a rage worldwide. Tashi Dhondup’s words reflected passion and hope to breathe the air in a free Tibet, ” Let us forget the barriers within our society and unite for the common cause of Rangzen,” he said.

Even though the group gingerly entered the State of Bihar, their fears were soon put to rest when local Indians showed overwhelming support during their course of the journey offering water and refreshments to the tired marchers. Co-operation from the Bihari Police Force was in also strong order.

‘India Save Tibet’ reverberated through the area raising the spirits of the marchers and local supporters. Tashi Wangdu, a marcher from Drepung Monastery in South India stated that they wanted the Indian Government to take a firmer stand and not give in to the whims of the Chinese authorities or be pressurized by them.

After a long day’s walk when the marchers stop for the night they are served ‘Thentuk’ a traditional dish by the kitchen crew which they relish and at times make them feel right at home even though they are miles away from their comfortable lives; something they gave up for a cause-the cause of freedom.

Report by TYC, filed and edited by Tenzin Sangmo/

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