Why Tibet matters

Is Tibet a nuisance for India, and when it negotiates with China on the border issue, should India unhesitatingly sacrifice Tibetan interests to secure our own? While there has been much talk

Dalai Lama back in India after US Tour

His Holiness the Dalai Lama returned home after His two week tour of the United States wrapped up at the Colgate University in Hamilton, New York April 22. This was his first visit to the US since

Remembering the 11th Panchen Lama in Nepal

Tibetans in Nepal who have never seen the 11th reincarnation of the Panchen Lama of Tibet, Gendun Choekyi Nyima recognized by the Dalai Lama celebrated his 19th birthday today at Samtenling

Torch supporters, protesters mark Japan relay

Crowds of Chinese students waving red flags and signs such as “One World, One Dream, One China” scuffled with pro-Tibet protesters in the latest leg of the Olympic torch relay in Japan on Saturday

China ‘rented’ torch crowd

Chinese officials orchestrated a huge turnout of pro-Beijing students for the Olympic torch’s Australian appearance to swamp pro-Tibetan protesters, Canberra’s top city official