News and Views on Tibet

Russians and Buddhist Republic supporters hold pro-Tibet protest in Moscow

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Moscow, April 3: A long awaited manifestation in support of Tibet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama finally happened in Moscow. It took the organizers a lot of strength and persistence to persuade authorities to allow Russian Buddhists, who follow Tibetan Buddhism traditionally, to voice their view on the current situation in Tibet.

“We express an unconditional support to peaceful methods of His Holiness the Dalai Lama willing to put an end to the violence in Tibet and start negotiations with Chinese leadership to discuss a meaningful autonomy for Tibetans within the People’s Republic of China,” stated the appeal letter signed by the picketers that they are planning to send to the Russian Government.

“We consider absolutely baseless and unacceptable any allegations, whatsoever, made by the Chinese government trying to denigrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama who has been spiritual leader of the three Russian Buddhist Republics and high spiritual authority for millions of people of good will,” says the document.

Organizers applied twice to hold the picket at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow. But after a long and tiresome procedure, the authorities finally granted an approval to get together on the bank of the Moscow river, in the vicinity of Ukraine Hotel, which overlooks the White House.

According to the organizers, they accepted this offer from the Moscow authorities, just because they felt Moscow is already trailing behind other world capitals in expressing their support to Tibetan people. The organisers say they desperately wanted to get together and show their urgent solidarity to the cause of Tibetan people.

In their letter of response to the Moscow authorities, they noted, however, that “they reserve the right to insist in holding further pickets and manifestations at the Chinese Embassy until the People’s Republic of China starts listening to what His Holiness the Dalai Lama has to say”.

According to them, a picket in support of the Dalai Lama and Tibet cannot be referred to as an anti-Chinese activity, as Moscow authorities alleged in their refusal to allow the event at the Chinese Embassy.

“The Middle Way Approach of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet and Russian Buddhist Republic (Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva) – that the picketers share and support – is aimed at reinforcing China’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and safety”, said the picketers in their response to Moscow authorities.

The number of banners and colorful Tibetan flags carried by picketers astonished the local police who brought 11 buses – just in case – to the bank of the Moscow river where the picket was taken place.

They had to admit, however, that the participants who included Kalmyks, Tuvans, Buryats, Russians from various cities, as well the local Tibetans, were peaceful in their attitude and just wanted to be heard.

It was clear that picketers spent huge amount of time getting ready for their banners and slogans. Among the slogans carefully checked by the police were: “We are with the Dalai lama!”, “Hu Jintao, you know Tibet is right!”, “Tibetans are our brothers!” “Tibet wants Justice!” and “Dalai Lama, welcome to Kalmykia!”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Representative in Russia, Mongolia and CIS countries Mr. Tashi, who was invited to speak at the event, cordially thanked all the participants for their compassion and support and acknowledged that the Russian citizens take Tibet’s tragedy close to their hearts.

The pickets and prayer sessions for the victims of the turmoil in Tibet have also been held in all three Buddhist Republics (Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva).

Report filed by Julia Jironkina |
Photos by Igor

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