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City of Romeo and Juliet stands in solidarity with Tibet

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Verona, Italy, March 20 – More than 600 citizens of Verona, the town of Shakespear’s Romeo-Juliet in Northern Italy stood in solidarity with Tibet yesterday evening.

With the support of the Comune (Municipality) of Verona, a Candle Light vigil was observed in memory of those Tibetans killed in recent upsurge of violent repression let loose by the Chinese authorities in Tibet, following peaceful protest demonstrations that has rocked the Tibetan capital, Lhasa since March 10.

Jointly initiated by two Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Centres in Verona, the vigil was lead by members of the only Tibetan family in Verona along with some other Tibetans gathered from the surrounding towns.

Informing the gathering, Mrs. Chonyi Kunsang, the first Tibetan to arrive in Verona, appealed to the citizen of Verona and Italians in general for their support to the just cause of Tibetan people, and demanded an immediate end to the violent repression in Tibet. She also requested the gathering to urge the Italian government and other International bodies to institute an independent investigation into the recent violent turn of events to verify the truth and real situation in Tibet.

The vigil was participated by all the council members and the Mayor of City of Verona, Mr. Flavio Tosi, and the Chairman of the Provincial Legislature of Verona.

Earlier on March 18, the Municiple Council of Verona passed a resolution in support of Tibet. The resolution, proposed by Mr. Ciro Maschio of Alleanze Nazionale (National Alliance) asked People’s Republic of China to guarantee and respect the fundamental principles of human rights of equality, freedom of religion and expression of the Tibetan people.

Report filed by T. Dhondup

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