News and Views on Tibet

Arundhati Roy and Medha Patkar support Dharna for the cause of Tibet at Jantar Mantar, Delhi

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New Delhi, October – On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Mahesh Yadav who is a social worker and also the President of the Mahatma Gandhi Vishwa Maitri Parishad (MGVMP), Bhopal sat on a 59 hours long sit-in-dharna at Jantar Mantar during which he drew a portrait of the Mahatma using his blood calling for Tibet’s Independence and India’s Security.
Sit-in-dharna begun from 2th October 2006 at 2 pm in the afternoon, which was concluded on 5th October 2006 at 1 am.

Members of the Tibetan Community, Majnu-ka-Tilla, the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress and the Regional Tibetan Woman’s Association also joined him in his sit-in-dharna to show their support and appreciation towards his noble initiative.
Dr. Mahesh Yadav demands are:

  • The Indian Parliament to put into action the14 November 1962 Resolution that was passed after the Chinese attack on India and captured Indian land
  • The Indian Government to re-strategize the Sino-Indian relation
  • The Indian Parliament to invite His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Lok Sabha to discuss the peaceful resolution of the Tibetan issue
  • The Indian Government to recognize the Tibetan Government-in-Exile
  • The United Nations and rest of the world to support the non-violent struggle of the Tibetans

Ms. Arundhari Roy, novelist and social activist and Ms. Medha Patkar, social activist, prominently known as the leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save Narmada Movement), attend the sit-in-dharna for an hour and shown their support and solidarity for the cause of Tibet by giving their consent for the above said demand set by Dr. Mahesh Yadav.

He started his campaign of using his blood to draw portraits of eminent personalities to highlight issues like the cause of Tibet, world peace, security of India etc since October 1994.

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