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Six beautiful, elegant, brave, and modern Tibetan girls in Miss Tibet Pageant 2006

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Today is 6 October 2006, and we have six beautiful, elegant, brave, and modern Tibetan girls participating in the Miss Tibet Pageant 2006. The participants are Metok Lhanze, 20, from Delhi; Pema Chodon (Peyang), 24, from Dehra Dun; Tenzin Palmo, 23, from Delhi; Tsering Chungtak, 21, from Delhi; Tseten Yangzom, 21, from Nepal; and Wangchuk Palmo, 25, from Canada.

In all we received applications from 11 eligible candidates. Two dropped out earlier on. After nine got confirmed, one from Singapore couldn’t come due to leave issue. One from Sikkim got sick and the one from Bangalore, we don’t know her reason yet.

We now have six brave contestants. It must have been a difficult decision for each one of them to confront a traditionalist Tibetan society. But since change is a natural phenomena, and since Tibetan people, like all people, need to move forward, we believe the participants are responsible, forward-looking and modern Tibetan women. We, therefore, have every reason to expect more contestants in the future.

Miss Tibet Pageant 2006 Contestants


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