News and Views on Tibet

Dalai Lama Opens Seminar on Nun Ordination

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Dharamshala May 22- The Dalai Lama said that there must be a general consensus on the outcome of discussions on the ordination of Buddhist nuns. The Tibetan leader was speaking at the inaugural function of the third Seminar of Vinaya holders on the full ordination of Tibetan nuns as Bhikshuni based on the Mula Sarvastivadin theory of Nalanda University.

The Dalai Lama told an exclusive audience that the implementation of the outcomes of discussion on the issue is of utmost importance. We should not just research the historical aspects of the issue and debate but also be able to reason out and bring into practice the decisions that spring from such seminars and discussions.

The Dalai Lama hoped that findings and decisions of the seminars held here be brought to the notice of other Buddhist followers around the world, especially Sri Lankan and Thai, through an international Buddhists’ conference to reach a general consensus on the issue of ordination of Buddhist nuns. Tibetan Buddhists can not solely decide on the issue, he said.

The Tibetan leader said that a duty of Tibetans as true followers of Buddha will have achieved when all decisions concerning the issue of ordination are truly implemented, otherwise it will be ‘doubtful if we have performed our duty well.’

Also present at the gathering was Karmapa Ugyen Thinley Dorjee, ministers of the Tibetan cabinet, heads of the Tibetan parliament and Judiciary. Buddhists nuns from other countries also attended the seminar.

The Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche said that the Kashag does not judge the issue irrespective of a positive or a negative outcome, as being a success for the nuns or a gender prejudice.

If the nuns begin to be ordained fully it will be the first time ever in Tibetan history which had never seen a nun being conferred apon with a degree equivalent to ‘geshe’. The Dalai Lama briefly talked about the issue a few months ago at Dolma Ling nunnery.

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