News and Views on Tibet

Kalon Tripa’s talk on the policies of the CTA and the status of Sino-Tibetan Dialogue

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Dharamshala, October 7 – Kalon Tripa Prof Samdong Rinpoche spoke on the policies of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the status of Sino-Tibetan dialogue today at the week-long workshop on youth leadership.

Kalon Tripa explained the Middle Way Approach as a policy adopted democratically by the CTA and the Tibetan people after series of discussion held over a long time.

He expounded the meaning of the Middle Way Approach, its history and formulation and the important components and special characteristics of this policy.

“The nature of our conflict is neither that of a political struggle nor a conflict of human races, but it is a conflict between truth and untruth, justice and injustice”, he said.

Kalon Tripa then described the policies of each department of the CTA and the implementation of the new basic education policy by the education department.

On Sino-Tibetan dialogue, he said that the communication between Dharamshala and Beijing have been in fits and starts from 1979 to1994. Then for 8 years, from 1994-2001, the contact ceased.

The contact was then revitalised in September 2002 and from that onwards four rounds of talks took place.

Kalon Tripa said that the hard work to resolve issue of Tibet has reached a very critical stage and his Kashag is doing its best to create a conducive atmosphere for negotiations.

After two hours talk on the policies of CTA and status of Sino-Tibetan dialogue, Kalon Tripa answered the questions of the participants during which they asked about the current subject and United State’s resettlement plan of Tibetan refugees from Nepal.

( is the official website of the Central Tibetan Administration.)

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