News and Views on Tibet

Dalai Lama returns to city for forum on future of Tibet

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PARLIAMENTARIANS from around the world are to gather in Edinburgh to meet exiled members of the Tibetan government and discuss the best way forward for the country.

The Capital has been chosen to host the 4th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet, the first such meeting in eight years.

The guest of honour at the two-day convention, being held next month, will be His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The formal proceedings of the convention will take place in Edinburgh City Chambers and the Carlton Hotel, where more than 160 International parliamentarians and guests are expected to participate.

The convention has been invited by the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Tibet and the Westminster UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet.

The aim of the conference is to form a plan of action to promote Tibetan issues and secure effective dialogue between the Chinese leadership and the Dalai Lama.

The last World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet held in 1997 in Washington DC.

Chris Ballance, Green MSP for South of Scotland and Convener of the Cross Party Group on Tibet, said: “I am delighted that we are able to bring the Convention to Edinburgh

The Chinese population transfer policy in the name of development is seriously threatening the very identity of the Tibetan people. There is an urgent need to resolve the Tibet issue to save the Tibetan civilisation.”

The convention is to be heldon November 18 and 19.

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