Miss Tibet pageant stirs controversy

As beauty pageants go, the Miss Tibet competition in the northern Indian town of Dharamsala — home to the exiled Buddhist spiritual leader the Dalai Lama — would seem a non-event.

China anxious to prove settled life is better for Tibetan nomads

With his concrete house in the square Tibetan style, chrome and plush furniture, a large television set, and a glass-topped barn for his sheep and cows, Ren Que Hu is a display-model for China’s plans to shift its Tibetan and other nomads into fixed abodes.

Fists fly over living god’s crown

On a narrow winding lane on a Himalayan mountainside, past Indian army soldiers and burly, shaven-headed monks, lies a monastery at the centre of a feud that has split normally gentle Tibetans who revere a living god crowned with a black hat.

Sino-African Relations and Tibet

As China emerges ever more rapidly as a dominant economic force in the international arena, the global space for Tibetans and their supporters to act against the occupation of Tibet by the People’s Republic of China is shrinking rapidly.