News and Views on Tibet

As Canadian PM Paul Martin talked about doing more business with China, protesters gathered outside calling for a free Tibet

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Hundreds of Free Tibet and human right supporters shouted Free Tibet and Human Right slogans outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre while Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin was giving keynote speech to the Canada China Business Council. The rally outside was mostly peaceful but one woman was injured and rushed to hospital while Vice President of Toronto Tibetan Youth Congress was arrested and many others with tears in their eyes.

Despite the freezing cold temperature, the demonstration went on December 6, 2005 from 5 till 9pm. Protestors shouted slogans urging Prime Minister Paul Martin to bring up human right issues in Tibet, help Canadian government release Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and to take active role in initiating negotiation between H. H. The Dalai Lama and Chinese government, during his upcoming visit to China in January, 2005. ending it with Tibetan National anthem and a loud cheer for FREE TIBET.

Candle light vigils and prayers for the release of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche have been held since November 4, 2004 and we will be holding another a mass demonstration on the 10th of December, 2004 in front of Chinese Consulate in Toronto.

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