News and Views on Tibet

Dee Why to Manly ‘Walk for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

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IMAGEIMAGE Members of the local community and supporters from the Australia Tibet Council’s Northern Beaches Action Group had staged a colourful walk from Dee Why to Manly last Sunday.

The ‘Walk for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is part of a international campaign to save the life of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a Tibetan monk sentenced to death with two year suspension. His only crime is his effort to preserve Tibetan Culture and religion

Mr. Tenpa Dugdak, a local Tibetan from Dee Why and one of the organisors of the ‘Walk for Tenzin’ says ‘Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is a Tibetan monk who has been sentenced to die for a crime he did not commit. Chinese authorities are using criminal charges to silence Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. Tenzin’s death sentence is due to review in December or January. So, it is essential that we maximise our collective efforts to prevent his execution.

IMAGERIGHT ‘’Our ‘ Walk For Tenzin’ is our local effort to draw attention to Tenzin’s situation. Our hope is that greater awareness of this injustice, in communities across Australia, will generate pressure on the Chinese leadership to quash Tenzin’s sentence and so save him form execution.

Walk was ended in front of Manly beach, which was most popular beach in Northern Beaches and on the day there was thousands of people on the beach. The walk was ended after three guest speakers – Mr Paul Bourke of Australia Tibet Council [executive officer], Mrs Dorjii Dolma [President of Tibetan Community] and Dolma Sangmo Datsa Tsang [ ex-political prisoner].

We got a very good crowd about 80 people considering this as a first event in the area and number of Tibetan living Sydney. People from different countries did a walk , we got people from Peru, Japan, England, America and of course Australia.

IMAGEIMAGE In the end, It was a great success in disseminating information about Tenzin Delek Rinpoche to local residents

Report & Photos submitted by Tenpa Dugdak

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