Tibetan cry for freedom & justice

“Human Rights must be restored”, reads a banner, while slogans such as “release the innocent”, were the outcry of the Tibetan society today.

Moscow Tibet Festival Ends

The Moscow Tibet Festival ends with a spectacular gala concert show in the over booked Svetlanousky Hall of 1500 people. In this biggest and the most modern hall in moscow, the Gyumae monks from South India

Thangkas make inroads into art collections

The impasse over Tibet’s status maybe far from blowing away. But, that has not stifled the excitement among art collectors over Tibetan thangkas (scroll paintings).

Diplomacy and Deterrence

I have never been hated by anybody more than this dog: this dog barks at me with extra enthusiasm and aggression making me a villian in front of the people lazing around in the neighbourhood.

Tibetans seek release of freedom activist

The main market in McLeodganj remained closed today as shopkeepers downed their shutters to express solidarity with the organisations seeking the release of Trulku Tenzin Delek, who is facing a death sentence in China.

Tibet Films At Himalayan Film Festival in Amsterdam

A Himalayan Film Festival being held in The Netherlands from November 6 to 7, 2004 will feature several Tibet-related films, including those like The Spirit Doesn’t Come Anymore and We’re No Monks, which are produced by Tibetans.