News and Views on Tibet

RTYC, Shimla begins hunger strike

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SHIMLA – The Regional Tibetan Youth Congress started a 24-hour long hunger strike outside the DC office here in support of the demands raised in the freedom march that started from Dharamshala on February 11 and is scheduled to reach Delhi on Wednesday.

Secretary of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress here, Tsering Dhundup said that the hunger strike which will conclude on Wednesday afternoon would be followed by a procession starting from the DC office and culminating at the starting point after walking through Lower Bazar to Shere-e-Punjab and back.

He said that the procession would also commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Tibetan national Uprising Day, when thousands of Tibetans in Lhasa took to the streets to protest against the Chinese invasion of their motherland. “It also comes as a spontaneous reminder of our steadfast unity in proud nationhood and lost dignity”, he added.

Dhundup said that the demands of the freedom march are that UN must pressurise China to stop the ongoing unfair trials of Tibetan political prisoners; the Chinese authorities must release all political prisoners who are still under their custody; Chinese authorities must stop massive influx of Chinese population into Tibet which is a threat to the very survival of Tibetan identity; UN must send its representatives to Tibet to monitor and undertake independent investigation of the overall situation there and China must withdraw all its troops and nuclear arsenal from Tibet.

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