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Kashag Stages Walkout, Seeks Probe

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Dharamsala, September 13 – The Assembly of the Tibetan People’s Deputies saw a walkout from the Kashag for the first time ever. The Kalon Tripa and his Kalons left the house after Deputy Sonam Topgyal made an allegation against the Kalon Tripa.

Shortly after the morning recess the Kalon Tripa said his Kashag will not be attending the house unless a probe is ordered into the allegation against his person.

Deputy Sonam Topgyal had expressed doubts over the Kalon Tripa’s person saying that “the Kashag has not provided clear answers to the issues regarding America’s Tibet Fund, I doubt Kalon Tripa’s one foot is drowned in American Dollars”.

In his response the Kalon Tripa said “If there is any doubt like this, it is of no use to keep it in mind. A probe into the matter by the Assembly’s judiciary committee or the Supreme Justice Commission should be ordered. It can not be ignored. If it is let away it will be a failure on the part of the Assembly and us public servants in performing our duties since the issue is raised in the Assembly against a man elected by the people and who has a responsibility towards the people, it is a big responsibility of the Assembly to do whatever necessary to probe into the matter”.

Following a bill passed in the Assembly in its last session, Deputy Sonam Topgyal had raised a question over the audit and the status of the ‘Tibet Fund’, New York. The bill called for bringing the New York based Tibet Fund under the control of the Kashag and make it accountable to the office of Auditor general of the Central Tibetan Administration.

The Kashag said it was not possible to bring the bill passed on Tibet Fund into implementation.

The Kashag, responding to the questions, clearly denied having any control on the Tibet Fund, which the Kalon Tripa said, was started by the exile administration as a non-governmental entity.

The Kashag was accused of being irresponsible over the issue of Tibet Fund since it did not question the person in charge of the organisation, Rinchen Dharlo, a retired official of the administration, when he was on a visit here recently.

According to the Kalon Tripa, the explanation given by the Tibet Fund was that if ‘Tibet Fund’ was brought under the control of Kashag it would become a ‘Foreign Agency’, and that the organisation will not receive funds.

“It is clear therefore that the Tibet Fund can not be brought under the Kashag’s control, and regarding the auditing, they say their audit is done annually and the reports published on the web”, Kalon Tripa told the house.

‘Therefore, when Rinchen Dharlo was here, we could not ask him how the Tibet Fund be brought under Kashag’s control and how its auditing be done’, said Kalon Tripa.

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