News and Views on Tibet

Dalai Lama Bestows ICT’s Light of Truth Awards, Visits ICT Office

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The Dalai Lama thanked members of the International Campaign for Tibet for their support for Tibet and urged for their continued support until there is a solution. He was speaking at a function on September 10 evening where he bestowed ICT’s Light of Truth Awards for this year to former Congressman Bejamin Gilman, Prof. Robert Thurman and Michele Bohana for their longstanding work for Tibet.

Other speakers at the event included Assistant Secretary of State Lorne Craner, Congressman Mark Kirk, Joel McLeary, Lodi Gyari and Ngawang Sangdrol.

The Dalai Lama told the gathering of over 350 people that although we have achieved much for Tibet there is even more to be done. He said he believed that the supporters of Tibet are those who believe in truth and justice.

The Dalai Lama said his urgent concern is the threat to Tibetan identity posed by the influx of a large number of non-Tibetans into Tibetan areas. He referred to the situation in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia as a result of influx of Chinese population into those areas. He said during the time of the 13th Dalai Lama when he went to China and Mongolia the ruler of China was a Manchu, 50 years later when he went to China in 1954 he visited Manchu area and at a gathering there were only a handful Manchus. Similarly in Inner Mongolia he said today compared to three million Mongolians, there were 18 Million Chinese. He said Tibet may follow the same pattern if not checked.

He talked about his contact with the Chinese leadership since the re-establishment of contact and said the main effort now is to build confidence. He said he will make every effort to reach on an understanding with the Chinese Government. He said the Tibetan issue is complex and hoped that the Chinese people will make efforts to understand our situation.

On September 11 morning the Dalai Lama visited the office building and met members of the ICT Board of Directors, staff and members. He gave an off-the-record talk for 20 minutes about his visit to Washington and his political views. He also praised the determination of the Tibetans inside Tibet. He said when they have such a high level of determination, those Tibetans in exile need to redouble our efforts.

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