Karmapa’s tutor released

TIN has learned, through reliable sources, that Yongzin Nyima, tutor of the Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje, has been released from detention by the Chinese authorities earlier this week, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.

Kashag’s Reaction to Vajpayee’s Visit Questioned

The Kashag today reiterated its earlier stand on India’s relation with China. Answering a question asked by a deputy, the Kalon Tripa of the Central Tibetan Administration, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche said that more the relation between China and India prospers better it will be for Tibet.

An EP Forum to be Held in Brussels in November

The European Parliament Tibet Intergroup, in conjunction with EP’s Foreign Affairs Committee and China Delegation has announced that the European Parliament Forum on Tibet: European Union s Response to Sino-Tibetan Dialogue will be held at the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels

Dalai Lama to Meet Local Buddhist Leaders

The 14th Dalai Lama is simultaneously the exiled monarch of Tibet, a Nobel Peace Prize-winning statesman and Buddhism’s most renowned world leader — aspects that are all evident during his current U.S. tour.

Dalai Lama finds hope in 9/11

The 14th Dalai Lama told a packed audience at the National Cathedral yesterday that even the worst tragedies in life can be used for “spiritual growth.”

Dalai Lama finds hope in 9/11

The Dalai Lama speaks at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, September 11, 2003. (REUTERS/William Philpott)