News and Views on Tibet

SFT honours Dege protestors and activists with Lhakar Award on 30th anniversary

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The recipients of the 2024 Lhakar Awards (Photo/SFT)

By Tenzin Nyidon 

DHARAMSHALA, Aug. 31: In commemoration of its 30th anniversary, Students for a Free Tibet (SFT), a network of young activists advocating for Tibetan freedom, awarded the 2024 ‘Lhakar Award for Resistance in Tibet’  to the peaceful protestors of Dege in Kham region of Tibet. The Lhakar Award for Dedication was presented to activist Thupten Chonyi, while the 2024 Lhakar Award for Activism in Exile was awarded to Tsela Zoksang.

The Lhakar Awards were presented during the Longsho Night event in New York on August 24. Nyima Lhamo, the niece of the late Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, accepted the award on behalf of the Dege protestors. The ceremony also honoured Ven. Golog Jigme, a former political prisoner, was present to receive his 2013 Lhakar Award for Resistance.

The peaceful Tibetan protesters of Kham Dege in February took to the streets to protest the Chinese government’s forceful relocation of thousands of local Tibetans from their ancestral lands. The government’s plan to construct a hydroelectric dam in Kham Dege, along the Drichu (Yangtze) River, threatened to displace thousands of residents from two villages and six monasteries. “When news broke of the massive protests erupting in Kham Dege earlier in February of this year, the world was stunned by the incredible scenes of resistance sent out by the residents of the Wongpo Tok region of Dege,’ SFT stated. “Despite the hundreds of Tibetans arrested and beaten in the aftermath of the protests in Dege, Tibetans, and supporters in exile saw that the fighting spirit of the Tibetans inside Tibet remained defiant, proud, and unbroken.” 

Thupten Chonyi, a Tibetan activist based in Philadelphia, is known for his unwavering commitment to the Tibetan cause. From March 10, 2023, to March 10, 2024, he led a year-long vigil for Tibet outside Independence Hall, demonstrating his dedication to raising awareness for the Tibetan struggle. Chonyi has also played a key role in leading the Philadelphia Tibetan Community during the annual U.S. Tibet Lobby Day for over a decade. “Thupten Chonyi has embodied dedication to the Tibetan Freedom Movement through his many years of organising and activism. In particular, his yearlong commitment to hold a daily vigil protest outside of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall every weekday from March 10th, 2023 until March 10th, 2024 has inspired generations of Tibetans to stand up for the cause of Tibetan freedom,” SFT said.

Tsela Zoksang, a student activist, gained international headlines when she unfurled the Tibetan national flag on a flagpole outside a hotel where Chinese President Xi Jinping was scheduled to meet the prominent US business leaders during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in November 2023. Just months later, in May, she displayed another striking display of dissent by raising the Tibetan flag in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France during Xi’s visit to the French capital. “Tsela’s daring direct actions over the past year have inspired countless young activists across the world. Through strategic non-violent direct actions, Tsela has demonstrated to a generation of young activists that young people have the power to shatter narratives and change the track of history,” SFT remarked. 

One Response

  1. Congratulations to all SFT award winners! All of them are deserving of the prize for their effort in highlighting the Tibet issue in their own ways. The people of Dege were forced to stand up by the CCP’s attempt to drive them out of their ancestral home and destroy their lives by submerging their holy monasteries, their homes, pasture land and barley wheat fields and leave them high and dry in their own country! The holy monasteries have been the hub of Tibetan life from ancient times and are themselves ancient, spanning from the time of Drogon Chorgyal Phakpa who was the preceptor the Mongol emperor Kublai Khan! It goes to show the depravity of the CCP in its quest for the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism in occupied Tibet. It is also reminder to the Tibetans that unless, we regain our independence, Tibetans will REMAIN SLAVES OF COMMUNIST CHINESE OCCUPIERS! Tibet has been under military occupation since 1949/50!
    Golok Jigme has also been a courageous monk who made the famous film “NO FEAR” before the 2008 Beijing Olympics with his friend Dhondup Wangchen who was imprisoned for years before he was able to slip out of occupied Tibet to be with his family. His wife campaigned for his release relentlessly with the help of Tibet support groups. One of the most significant award for a Tibetan exile is the Lhaksam award for Thubtan Chonyi, who has been a dedicated campaigner for TIBETAN INDEPENDENCE! It is quite amazing that he has had the guts to carry on the Tibetan independence campaign while most of the community has given up on Tibetan independence and feel comfortable to be in league with a communist regime which despises Tibetan Buddhism and it equates it with feudalism and is hellbent to OBLITERATE it along with Tibetan culture, language and identity! I can imagine how difficult it would have been to carry on a campaign when there is more resentment than encouragement. The die-hard U-May Lam followers are far more virulent in their attacks on Tibetan independence advocates than they are against the CCP. Most of the U-May Lam advocates are Tibet-Chini Bhai Bhai peddlers! They cringe at the use of anything “offensive” that would hurt the sentiments of the CCP while they are ready to smear, browbeat, threaten and evil excommunicate Rangzen advocates! This attitude is called STOCKHOLM SYNDROME! It is a deep bond between the victim and the abuser! It is therefore very gratifying that Thubtan Chonyi has been awarded for his unflinching dedication and commitment despite opposition from the Pro-CCP lobby!
    Another equally fascinating awardee is Tselha Zoksang! This young lady was absolutely amazing with her ability to climb high poles and hang there for hours holding the Tibetan National flag aloft! She is one of the young bloods in the SFT arsenal to mount lethal publicity attacks on the CCP armour of invincibility. Her act of courage, dedication and devotion for Tibetan National Independence has received wide acclaim among all Tibet supporters around the world! She showed the true bravery and tenacity of the Tibetans in times of adversity! It is time, we do away with our timidity and slouching demeanour and stand up and be counted like Tselha Zoksang! Every Tibetan must support such young warriors of Tibet so that we will see more and more courageous young freedom fighters availing themselves to the cause of Tibetan independence!
    It has to said that Chime Lhamo has been one of the leading lights of her generation and thanks to her dedication and exemplary courage in the face of CCP campaign of terror to browbeat her, many young people are taking inspiration from her and are emulating her brave acts! Chime Lhamo herself was inspired by Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who has a history of sacrifice and dedication for Tibetan independence! In future, if such awards are to be an annual feature,there are deserving candidates such as Toronto based Sangye Kyab who has been also in the forefront of untiringly campaigning for Tibet’s freedom for years!

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