News and Views on Tibet

Documentary on Dalai Lama to premiere at the Zurich Film Festival

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Actor and long time supporter of Tibet, Richard Gere (Photo/Hollywood Reporter)

By Tsering Dhundup

DHARAMSHALA, Aug 31: Renowned Hollywood actor and long-time Tibet supporter Richard Gere, along with Ama Jetsun Pema, sister of the Dalai Lama, and Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, will attend the world premiere of the Swiss documentary on Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama “WISDOM OF HAPPINESS” at the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) in October. 

According to the official Zurich Film Festival website, the festival, celebrating its 20th anniversary, will run from October 3 to 13, 2024. Richard Gere, renowned for his longstanding support of the Tibetan cause and the documentary’s executive producer will be attending the premiere as a star guest. He will be joined by the Dalai Lama’s sister, Ama Jetsun Pema, and the president of the Central Tibetan Administration, Penpa Tsering. Also in attendance will be the film’s directors, Barbara Miller and Philip Delaquis, director of photography Manuel Bauer, and executive producer Oren Moverman.

The documentary, “Wisdom of Happiness,” presents an intimate portrayal of the Dalai Lama, now nearly ninety years old, as he speaks directly to viewers. The film combines his timeless wisdom on inner peace, happiness, and compassion with practical advice for navigating the challenges of the modern world. It also features previously unreleased material from the archives of the Tibetan government, offering a deeper understanding of the 14th Dalai Lama’s life and legacy.

The ZFF’s Artistic Director, Christian Jungen, expressed his enthusiasm about Richard Gere’s return to the festival, noting the actor’s deep connection to the project and his commitment to humanitarian causes. Gere, who was honoured with the ZFF’s Golden Icon Award in 2012, is eager to present the film, which he describes as a “small movie with a big impact on the future.” “Wisdom of Happiness” will be released in Swiss cinemas starting December 5, 2024, following its world premiere at the ZFF. The full program for the festival will be announced on September 19, 2024, with ticket sales beginning on September 23.

Richard Tiffany Gere, 74, recently underwent prostate surgery earlier in June. Gere’s unwavering support for the Tibetan cause has earned him immense respect and built a strong emotional connection, particularly within the Tibetan community. However, his outspoken advocacy for Tibet has also led to significant backlash within the Hollywood community as well as China inclined market. In an interview with the Independent Gere stated that his vocal stance on Tibet has cost him Hollywood blockbuster roles because the academy is fearful of alienating its burgeoning Chinese audience which is the second-biggest box-office market in the world. “There are definitely movies that I can’t be in because the Chinese will say, ‘Not with him,’” he told the Hollywood Reporter.

In 1993, during the Academy Awards, while presenting the Best Art Direction, Gere deviated from the script to denounce China’s occupation of Tibet and its “horrendous, horrendous human rights situation.” Gere activism continued with a call to boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and he remains a dedicated supporter of the Tibetan cause through his two foundations, the Washington-based International Campaign for Tibet and the Gere Foundation in New York.

One Response

  1. GREAT EVENT specially after DALAÏ LAMA long life prayer in Stadion…
    Thanks to GIVE the details of this coming Festival…
    Association France-Tibet

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