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Karmapa urges Tibetans unity following emotional reunion with the Dalai Lama

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The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje visited His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Zurich, Switzerland on August 25, 2024 (Photo/Karmapa Facebook)

By Tenzin Nyidon

DHARAMSHALA, Aug 29: The foremost leader of the Karma Kagyu lineage, Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, issued a heartfelt appeal on Wednesday, urging all Tibetans to work in unity for the greater cause of Tibet. His message emphasised the importance of fulfilling the aspirations of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, following their recent reunion in Zurich, Switzerland, on August 25.

In his statement, the revered Karmapa shared his profound experience of meeting His Holiness in person after seven years, describing it as a bittersweet encounter. “Unlike seeing him on television, seeing him in person this time revealed how much he had aged. Even when speaking, his voice was noticeably weaker than before. This was deeply moving and difficult to bear,” the statement read.

The statement further noted that upon witnessing His Holiness’ apparent fatigue, the Karmapa kept the conversation brief, expressing the importance of praying for His Holiness’ long life. The Karmapa mentioned that he documented the other matters he wished to discuss and presented them in writing, which His Holiness spent about 10 minutes carefully reviewing. During this time, His Holiness spoke of prophecies indicating that he may live to be over 110 years old and shared his primary wishes to undertake a pilgrimage to Mt Wutai, a sacred mountain in China that he has long desired to visit.

The prominent leader also expressed that seeing His Holiness in person and hearing his words instilled in him an unprecedented sense of preciousness. “We must fulfill all of His Holiness’ wishes for this lifetime promptly and swiftly, without any delay,” he urged. “His Holiness has already made unimaginable efforts and sacrifices for our sake. Now, considering his age and physical condition, there is no greater purpose than for him to rest and take care of his health. Everyone, both ourselves and others, must be mindful of this and show genuine concern,” he added.

The Karmapa urged Tibetans to set aside trivial concerns and focus on the greater good of Tibet, regardless of regional affiliations, religious denominations, or differing viewpoints. “We must remain vigilant not to mistake gold for copper or to devalue sandalwood as if it were common ash. Most importantly, we must remember that we are blessed with a lama who is like a wish-fulfilling jewel. I urge everyone to work with unwavering determination for the preservation of the Dharma and the welfare of the Tibetan people,” he stated. 

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