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Religious genocide in Tibet, says senior CTA official at religious freedom summit in Tokyo

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Screengrab of Dr. Tsewang Gyalpo Arya speaking at the International Religious Freedom Summit in Tokyo, Japan in July 22, 2024

By Tenzin Nyidon 

DHARAMSHALA, July 24: Dr. Tsewang Gyalpo Arya, the Representative at the Liaison Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Japan addressed the ongoing religious genocide by China and its repercussions in Tibet and other China-occupied regions, including the East Turkestan and Southern Mongolia on Monday in Tokyo, Japan during the second International Religious Freedom Summit, an annual regional conference held in Asia.

As a panellist, Dr. Arya emphasised (2:56:37 onwards) the severe impact of religious genocide in Tibet. He referred to Tibet as a region that has endured significant cultural genocide, stating, “Tibet has been subjected to religious repressions for over 70 years, and these repressions continue. Similar atrocities are occurring in Uyghur and Southern Mongolia. The consequences of this cultural genocide are dire. Reports from foreign journalists depict Tibet as a military state, with more police officers than Tibetan civilians. These officers and surveillance booths are not there to protect Tibetans but to maintain strict surveillance over their movements.”

Dr. Arya highlighted the systematic destruction of Tibetan monasteries in Larung Gar and Yarchen Gar in the Kham region of eastern Tibet. He also recounted the dismantling of a 99-foot Buddha statue, a 33-foot Maitreya statue, a 45-foot Guru Padmasambhava statue, and 45 giant prayer wheels in Drago County in 2001. “Larung Gar is a significant site in the Kham region where thousands of Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Mongolians, and others study Buddhism together under Tibetan masters. Instead of recognising this cultural exchange, China perceived these harmonious relations as a threat to the Communist regime. From 2001, 2016, and 2019, they destroyed most of the monasteries and forced Tibetans, Chinese, and other nationals to return to their homes. This is a classic divide-and-rule policy,” he stated.

The senior CTA official also shed light on China’s implementation of ‘Order Number 9’ and ‘Order Number 5, “In 2023, China promulgated religious Order Number 19, stipulating that old religious venues must have government permission for teachings, and all religious teachers must be certified. Furthermore, any religion, including Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Taoism, must incorporate Xi Jinping’s ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics. But where is the religion in this? This is how China is attempting to alter the very essence and integrity of religion.”

“In 2007, China enacted Order Number 5, claiming the right to appoint religious leaders, a role traditionally revered in society. In Tibetan Buddhism, reincarnated Lamas hold significant reverence, with the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama being the highest. Now, China asserts it has the authority to appoint religious leaders, not only in Tibetan Buddhism but also in Christianity and Islam. Currently, His Holiness is the 14th Dalai Lama, with the first Dalai Lama born in 1391, and the next being the 15th Dalai Lama. Reincarnation is a process where highly revered Lamas choose to be reborn to aid sentient beings by propagating peace. However, China claims the power to select these leaders. The Chinese Communist Party, which does not believe in religion—Mao Zedong once called religion a poison—lacks understanding of concepts like life after death or Buddhist interdependence, yet they seek to control religious leadership,” he further elaborated.

In his speech, Dr. Arya urged the international community to speak out against these atrocities instead of remaining silent. “This blasphemy and religious genocide persist while the international community remains largely silent. This silence has emboldened China to commit these religious violations in broad daylight. The international community must collaborate to liberate China and the China-occupied regions of Tibet, Uyghur (East Turkestan), and Southern Mongolia,” he concluded.

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