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Will President Biden meet the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader?

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US President Joe Biden and His Holiness the Dalai Lama

By Tenzin Nyidon 

DHARAMSHALA, June 27: Following the visit of a high-level United States bipartisan congressional delegation to the capital of the Tibetan exile polity and their meeting with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, there are considerable speculation about whether President Joe Biden will meet the octogenarian leader, who is currently in the US for knee treatment.

The possibility of such a meeting is not far-fetched, as Biden himself made a campaign promise in early September 2020 to “meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.” However, uncertainty remains, as the Spokesperson for the US Department of State remarked, “While there is longstanding precedent for meetings between US officials and respected religious figures, including the Dalai Lama, we do not have anything to confirm at this time.”

Domestically, observers say that meeting the Dalai Lama would enhance Biden’s image by demonstrating moral leadership and fulfilling his campaign promise. It would reaffirm America’s commitment to supporting human rights and democratic values, garnering support from human rights advocates and members of Congress who have long supported the Tibetan cause.

Professor Pema Gyalpo, also a former Representative of the Dalai Lama in Japan for 15 years told Japan Forward, “Now, while His Holiness is in the US for knee surgery, the next step would be for President Biden to meet His Holiness. Meeting between the two would send a clear message to China that it can never accomplish its erasure of Tibetan identity and culture. Such a meeting would shield the Dalai Lama’s institution from external interference, especially from atheist Chinese Communists.” 

Speaking to Phayul, the spokesperson of the Central Tibetan Administration Tenzin Lekshay stated, “His Holiness is a being who preaches compassion, kindness, and altruism. He never harbours any ill intentions towards China. Considering the relations between the US and China, a meeting would be beneficial. However, we cannot confirm whether the meeting will take place as His Holiness is currently in the US for knee surgery. If the meeting does happen, China will undoubtedly react, as they always do. When His Holiness meets with leaders, he speaks about harmony, and such a meeting would certainly have its own significance.”

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