Is Men-Tsee-Khang’s revamp going as per plan?

By Tenzin Nyidon DHARAMSHALA, JUNE 26: Men-Tsee-Khang, the foremost Tibetan traditional medical institution celebrated for its enduring practice of traditional Tibetan medicine and astrology, has been a stalwart presence for over six decades in exile. This institution, also known as the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, carries a profound historical legacy, not just for its […]

The First Tibetan female rap-artist and her bid to never celebrate mediocrity

The exile Tibetan music scene at first glance is a reluctant cocktail of generic pop culture replicas, propelled by new artistes who are introduced every Kalachakras and Losars only to vanish shortly afterwards, while so-called seasoned musicians earn their dues performing live shows at any respectable gathering in the Tibetan diaspora whether it is in […]

Former political prisoner Phuntsok Wangchuk passes away at 51

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, June 25: Phuntsok Wangchuk, a former Tibetan political prisoner, passed away on June 20, 2024, at the age of 51, in New York, U.S, according to reliable sources. He was sentenced to five years in prison on June 15, 1994, for protesting and distributing papers on freedom and human rights in Tibet […]

Xi Jinping calls for ethnic unity in Tibet after US lawmakers and Dalai Lama meeting

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, June 25: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday issued a call for ethnic unity during his visit to a middle school for Golok Tibetans and the Tibetan Buddhist Hongjue Temple in the so-called Qinghai province (Amdo) in Tibet. This visit follows the high profile meeting between US lawmakers and officials of […]