29th GCM Gold Cup kicks off in South India’s Hunsur Rabgyaling

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, May 15: The 29th Gyalyum Chenmo Memorial Gold Cup (GCMGC) football tournament, the premier sports event of the Tibetan exile community, kicked off on Wednesday, in Hunsur Rabgyaling Tibetan settlement in Southern India. The tournament honours the late mother of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and is set to go on for […]

Former Chinese spy expose covert operations against dissidents overseas

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, May 15: A former Chinese secret agent named Eric, once a dissident himself, has come forward with crucial information exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s covert operations targeting dissidents overseas. He was assigned to infiltrate pro-democracy organisations and target dissidents critical of the Communist regime for 15 years since 2008, reported ABC […]