News and Views on Tibet

Statement of RTYC NY & NJ on the 44th Tibetan National Uprising Day

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This Monday, March 10th mark the 44th Tibetan National Uprising Day. On this day the Tibetan people rose up against the Chinese occupation of Tibet. In commemorating this momentous event in the history of our country, we pay homage to the brave men and women of Tibet who laid down their lives for the freedom of our country and call upon every Tibetan to renew their dedication until we regain our rights and freedom(Rangzen)

In Tibet, the situation remains grim. In past months our country has been undergoing the most severe repression since the so-called Cultural Revolution.

· Execution of Lobsang Dhondup on January 26, 2003 after a closed trail is the manifestation of Chinese blatant disregard for Human Rights in Tibet and lack of respect for the rights of other nationalities.

· Tulku Tenzing Delek who has been arrested and sentenced to death on December 5, 2002 following an April 2002 bomb blast in Chengdu, Sichuan. He faces threat of execution any moment

. Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama was kidnapped by the Chinese Government at the tender age of 6 on the 17th of May 1995 and since than nobody knows his where about till now.

· Geshe Sonam Phunstok, Phuntsog Nyidrol and scores of fellow political prisoners in Tibet

· Jiang Zemin’s decision to build railway line to Tibet by 2007 is to exploit Tibet’s Natural resources, integrate Tibet with China and intend to resettle 20-25 millions Chinese immigrants in Tibet. Thus making Tibetans a stranger and minority in their own Land facilitating Beijing to consolidate its control over Tibetans aspiration for Independent State.

On this occasion, we the RTYC of NY & NJ urge intervention from the international Organizations including UNCHR and IOC, to scrutinize human rights record in China, to ensure that the essence of the Olympic Games, manifestation of freedom, justice, opportunity and equality for every human being are respected.

We demand that the Chinese government immediately discontinue its exploitation of Tibet’s environment and its perpetration of egregious human rights abuses including arbitrary imprisonment, forced abortions, torture, and the religious and political repression that it routinely employs in Tibet.

We call on the United Nations and its member government to honor their responsibility to facilitate dialogue between the Chinese Government and the Tibetan Government-in-Exile to restore Tibet to its rightful state of Independence.

Jamyang Tseten (General Secretary of RTYC of NY & NJ)

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