China develops locomotive for controversial Tibetan railway

A Chinese company has developed a locomotive to fit the tough and specific requirements for a controversial, high-altitude railway to Tibet. Since the 1,142-kilometer (713-mile) railway to the Tibetan capital of Lhasa will pass through freezing mountain areas

Pro-Tibet protest to be held in city

Demonstrators will be gathering outside the city’s Chinese Council tomorrow to show support for the people of Tibet. Victor Spence, of the Scotland Tibet Association, said: “We will demonstrate our solidarity with the people of Tibet

Chinese dissidents branded as terrorists

China in recent months has been arresting, and in some cases executing, religious and political dissidents on charges of engaging in terrorism. The government says the executions are meant to subdue the threat of separatists in Tibet and Xinjiang province

Go West, young Han: China works to tame, populate its west

You’ve seen it in all the old movies: men, progress and cash moving westward into a rugged expanse, laying railroad track and taming the environment to bring the civilization of the east to a hinterland that could only be described as wild.